Monday, April 18, 2011

Everything has a beginning...

So, I've decided to quit smoking and write a blog about it. The main reason I'm doing this is to keep myself accountable. Sure, I've used Twitter and such before to do just that and I've had varying degrees of success (though they all ended with me returning to a pack of Came Lights inside two months).

Still, I'm going to give it another go. I started smoking cigarettes at the age of sixteen. I'm nearly thirty-two. That's half my life (thus far). Fuck that. I need to quit this. So, I'm going to get a little help this time.

I put out a call on Twitter to anyone I know who quit successfully and I got one response. My friend Mark used the gum to quit and he gave me some real helpful insight into what helped him to quit. I am eternally greatful.

I'm going to post on this pretty regularly. Sometimes it'll be about quitting, sometimes it'll be about other things that catch my interest (including linkbacks to my work on

So, on Wednesday4/20/2011 (no pun intended), I will be a smoker who doesn't smoke anymore. Wish me luck!

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