Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wakey, Wakey

I woke up insanely early this morning, 6:20 to be precise. So like anyone else who can't sleep, I decided to tool around on my mp3 player and make a mix, a mix I played this morning on my way to work.

Apparently, my subconscious is yearning for the fall. For every song like Lady GaGa's "Teeth" or “Still Alive” from Portal, there are two or three songs that make me think of Halloween. Which songs, you ask? Well there's Toto Coelo's "Dracula's Tango," The Ramones' "Pet Sematary" and The Misfits' "Spook City, USA." While it's a damn fun mix, it is unseasonably warm for such chilling numbers, wouldn't you say?

The typical spring mixtape generally has lighter fare like Bishop Allen or The Flaming Lips or maybe some Paul McCartney (Run Devil Run is currently in my album rotation, so all is not confused)... songs from artists that reflect this particular change of season and not the multi-colored deathfest that is autumn.

Instead, my brain seems to be hardwired for fall. I like the spring stuff a lot, but my default always seems to skew towards jack o’ lanterns, breezes and light jackets. And no, this has nothing to do with smoking, this is just how I am… it’s all me.

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